Mangaluru, Oct 30, 2022: The scourge of CORONA disturbed the joy of needy orphans all over. Though some relief is seen but the economic crunch continues unabated and is a sorrow for increasing numbers of poor and marginalized . The concern of people of ‘Good Will’ is now the need of the hour. In many places, it is a painfully continuing time of sorrow and hunger, as the economy has shrunk.
For the abandoned orphans it is unending sadness and uncertainty. The show of wealth and progress for the vast majority of the population is a mirage; many are in a state of deprivation, dispossession and disadvantage. Cause for discouragement and despair can be seen in the high incidence of suicides among young folk. Cause for concern and shame; sharply increasing is the gap between rich and poor. Progress has become an obscene contrast of huge wealth of a few and unbelievable poverty of most. There is much that remains to be done, few social groups are committed to provide holistic care and support for children. They get just a frugal grant if at all, making the comfort and welfare of children a serious challenge. Heart touching to note those running this Orphanage put great efforts to celebrate the festivals during this time of the year, for the many children in this struggling orphanage – De Mercede Orphanage like most other such institutions, is a sad plight reflecting the need for social awareness.
Picturesque hilly spot in Panir, is now quite forward with medical colleges and facilities. Lands have gone into commercial mode; depriving homes and a livelihood to many daily wagers. The children drop-out of school often and are lost; neglect of children, particularly trauma of girls, rude treatment, hunger, abuse, exploitation and such torture is their common lot. There are large hearted and generous people who even dedicate their lives for the well being and care of such suffering children. The merciful nuns caring for these suffering children, face many handicaps and often themselves live personal lives of deprivation lacking basic facilities, yet do their utmost to comfort and rehabilitate suffering children. These children are ‘jewels’ who with some support, shine successfully.
De Mercede Orphanage caters to children between 6-12 years of age. These marginalised poor children from very needy families, are given shelter and education. Some of the children have single parents, alcoholic families, others are orphans. All these children need special and individual care, counseling and security. These children attend schools/colleges close to this orphanage. The Government provision is expected for a long time.
De Mercede Orphanage was started in the mid 1940s is providing deprived children educational opportunity, care and protection. There are nearly 90 children at present (Sept 2022) in this orphanage. Due to the unfortunate pandemic more seek admissions. For the past 75 years Ursuline Franciscan Sisters (UFS) have maintained the Orphanage through the help of generous people/donors and their own meager resources. Thousands of children have passed through the shelter of this institution. There are severe financial constraints, yet every effort is made to give decent support to these children trusting on the providence of God and the generosity of well wishers and benefactors. UFS – Mangalore Ursuline Nuns take care of these impoverished children in the best way possible. The main objective is quality education and integral development.
Cooperation of parents/guardians of the children is rather uncertain, due to various factors. To deprived children all could be providers by choice! The generosity and ‘good will’ of people to help these children shine with dreams and trust, to rescue them from the dust to be jewels of humanity. The nuns, staff and residents of this orphanage are seen putting up a courageous front with support of a few benefactors and others to celebrate the Joy and Happiness at all times, it is a great cheer to note the happiness of the children in the pictures here and many readers and well wishers can supplement the efforts of the management and bring more durable happiness and security to these children and support the efforts with compassion and concern.n